“The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III”

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This week, veteran reporters Peter Baker (no relation) and Susan Glasser published a major new biography of the legendary James A. Baker III.

Baker, who co-authored the Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan, is one of the most accomplished statesmen and political operators in American history. He served as White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Treasury to President Ronald Reagan, U.S. Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff to President George H. W. Bush, and manager of five Republican Presidential campaigns. Notably, as Secretary of State, Baker played a pivotal role in bringing the Cold War to a successful conclusion.

On occasion of this major new biography—“The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III"—here are some testimonials of Baker’s remarkable career:

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“For a generation, from the end of Watergate to the end of the Cold War, every Republican president relied on Baker to manage his campaign, his White House, his world. Baker brought them to office or helped them stay there, then steered them through the momentous events that followed. He was Washington’s indispensable man.”

-Peter Baker and Susan Glasser

“James Baker ran the White House for both Reagan and George H.W. Bush. He is widely regarded as the most effective Chief of Staff ever.”

-The Economist

“Washington insider, Republican stalwart and statesman who played an indisputably central role in shaping major events for a half-century.

-Samantha Power

“In the last half century of Washington history, no one has been more effective at finding the right way to get big things done than James A. Baker III.”

-Jonathan Darman

“Nobody was better at getting things done than James A. Baker…one of the most important figures of the late American Century.”

-Walter Isaacson

“One of the most influential figures in American life.”

-John Dickerson

A master

-Vice President Dick Cheney

“Ronald Reagan’s most important lieutenant.

-Fareed Zakaria

One of the best Secretaries of State of the 20th century.”

-David Gergen

“One of the nation’s most important secretaries of state and presidential counselors.

-Michael Beschloss, author of Presidents of War

The gold standard as White House Chief of Staff.”

-Chris Whipple, historian of White House Chiefs of Staff

“There are very few men in the history of the United States who have been as good at politics as Jim Baker.”

-Jon Meacham, Presidential historian


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James Baker’s 7 Rules for Running Washington

Across decades and presidencies, he excelled at the sort of deal-making that no longer seems possible. Here are his most indelible lessons for getting and keeping power in the capital.

By Peter Baker and Susan Glasser

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The Incredible Influence of James A. Baker III

By Samantha Power

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James Baker and the Art of Power

The Economist

To quote the NYT book review, “The former secretary of state’s experiences as a public servant offer timeless lessons in how to use personal relationships, broad-based coalitions and tireless negotiating to advance United States interests.” It is in this spirit—and guided by Baker’s extraordinary leadership and example—that we march forward at YCCD.

We invite you to join us, James A. Baker III, and the broadest climate coalition in US history in advancing the free-market carbon dividends solution. Together, we can successfully address the climate challenge, secure the blessings of American freedom and prosperity, and deliver a major political victory for the GOP.


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