A Conservative Climate Advocacy Campaign
From the Heart of the GOP’s Youth Wing
Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends (YCCD)
YCCD is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization that aims to mobilize young conservative leaders in support of the pro-growth, pro-innovation Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan, renew the GOP’s proud legacy of environmental leadership, and lay the groundwork for a free-market climate breakthrough.
Capitalism Isn’t The Problem.
Capitalism Is The Solution.
Unleash American Innovation.
Prevent Burdensome Regulations.
Hold China Accountable for their Emissions.
Expand Domestic Energy Production.
Put American Manufacturers First.
As Covered By

“I congratulate the Co-Founders of Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends for launching this important campaign and for their principled leadership on pro-growth climate solutions. While the modern climate challenge may be new, the tools needed to solve it are as old as the Republic: American innovation, ingenuity, and free enterprise. I am glad to see the GOP’s next generation of leaders championing this important message.”
-Senator Trent Lott (R-Mississippi)
Fmr. Republican Senate Majority Leader